These warm olives are like a giant warm hug from my friend Amanda at Heartbeet Kitchen. Amanda is one of the most creative flavor masters I know. This girl infuses flavor into her recipes and isn't afraid to push the envelope with new unique ingredients to create dishes like ghee braised radishes and thyme and fluffy gluten-free tigernut flour pancakes. And if Amanda hadn't already won me over with her cooking, baking, photography, and cat-whisperer ways, she came to visit in the middle of one of the most stressful weeks of my life - the week before I filed my dissertation - and she's STILL my friend.
The kind of friend who keeps my baby stylish with the sweetest kicks and steps in to guest post while I'm over here putting on a 24-hour circus act (holding a 12lb baby over my shoulder, while patting her back, singing the chorus to Ingrid Michaelson's You & I, and dancing in circles around the kitchen island with the lights off and the KitchenAid stand mixer running) with only brief intermissions for things like restroom breaks and laundry. And she's sharing this post with a broken hand. So basically: she's the best kind of friend. When she was here, Amanda made dinner while I stood by and ate olives. I now only wish they were warm olives with citrus, rosemary, and a splash of gin.
Hello from Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes, mighty big pine trees, and farmland for days. I’m Amanda of Heartbeet Kitchen, and lucky enough to call Sarah one of my very best friends. Even though we live dozens of states apart, miles can’t compete with a strong friendship. We bonded over cats and our love for delicious food, connecting via our blogs about two years ago. We’ve cooked together, had late night chats, and helped each other in times of need. And when she told me she had a little one on the way, I knew she would be the best mama out there, strong and steady as a rock.
Since I can’t be there physically to help, I’m happy to be guest posting, giving Sarah a few more minutes in the day to snuggle little Zoella Mae. I don’t have any children, so I can only imagine how difficult the unconventional schedule and lack of sleep can be on a new mom. With that in mind, I wanted to create something simple, snackable, and worthy of accompanying a big old cheese plate, probably one of her favorite things in life.
These Warm Olives are easy enough to make with one hand, with a baby on your hip, and maybe even a little glass of white wine on the stove. Utterly addictive, and just the thing to change up a traditional way of eating a particular food, giving it new life. Similar to a warm salad.
As if I didn’t love olives enough already, a 20 minute steep amongst citrus peel, garlic, and rosemary puts them into a new league. Taking a note from one of my favorite food writers, 101 Cookbooks, I added some gin to give them a lovely botanical note. You won’t taste alcohol; instead it amplifies the hints of orange and lemon, as well as the earthy rosemary.
You can use any olives you’d like, but I highly suggest Castelvetrano Olives, easily recognized by their distinctive bright green hue and meaty, buttery flesh. Delivering just the right amount of salt and zero bitterness, this is my favorite olive. You can easily find them at the olive bar of any Whole Foods, with the pits removed, or here is a jarred brand I always see at our local co-op. Trader Joe's also has a jar of “Big Green Olives” that would work well. Since I get them from the olive bar, I also add a few kalamata and oil-cured varieties too, which gives the dish color and a few different flavors.
My hope is these little nibbles come in hand for Sarah on an evening when she just needs something to snack on with a slice of triple crème brie. And I’m telling you, they’re the type of appetizer you can put on the table anytime of year, for any type of gathering, and they’ll be the first thing gone. It’s not a bad idea to double the recipe either, and toss the olives into pasta or layer them into a sandwich during the week. It will take both things from average to something special in the blink of an eye.
All the love to Sarah, Lucas, and little #cheesebabygirl herself, Zoella Mae! Enjoy the olives, and hope to meet a few of you in the meantime!
- ⅓ cup extra virgin olive oil
- 3 cloves garlic, cut in half vertically
- 1 teaspoon black peppercorns
- 2 tablespoons thinly sliced citrus peels, I used lemon and mandarin oranges
- Half of the leaves of one medium sprig of rosemary, about 12 leaves
- 3 tablespoons gin
- 8 ounces olives, I highly suggest Castrevalno and a few others from the olive bar, pitted is a nice bonus
- Add olive oil to a small saucepan. Add garlic and bring to medium hit, so garlic just barely starts to get little bubbles coming out of it. You don’t want to sauté them, you are just releasing their flavor. Stir in peppercorns, citrus peels, and rosemary and cook for two minutes at this temperature. Stir in gin and olives to coat with all the spices and oil, then turn heat down to low. Stir occasionally, letting them cook for 7-8 minutes. Turn heat off and let them sit on the burner for 10 minutes, up to 30 minutes. Serve warm. Leftovers will keep in the refrigerator one week.
Brandon @ Kitchen Konfidence -
OMG, I just made some marinated olives with citrus, rosemary and garlic :) Next time I need to try adding gin. Sounds tasty!!
Sarah Menanix -
You and Amanda are clearly onto something!
Carla -
Oh, what a lovely post- the olives, the Amanda, the friendship. Can't wait for Boba Round 2. xo
Sarah Menanix -
Girl - ME TOO!
Faith (An Edible Mosaic) -
I'm heading over from Amanda's blog - I had to check out this beautiful recipe! First and foremost, congrats on the newest addition to your family, Sarah! And this recipe is genius...the colors, the flavor profile, everything!
Sarah Menanix -
Thank you so much!!
Traci | Vanilla And Bean -
Such a sweet note to Amanda, Sarah, and a well deserved rest for you and little Zoella Mae. The splash of gin had me all giddy because I totally can see how it brings out the citrus notes in this recipe. What a fabulous, genius idea Amanda. And I couldn't agree more with Sarah. Your photography is inspiring, as are your recipes! Thank you for this deliciousness!
Sarah Menanix -
Amanda's beautiful plate of olives is one step closer to helping me get through these tough first couple months. I can't even express to her just how much this gift of a recipe takes a weight off my shoulders!
Taylor @ Food Faith Fitness -
I LOVE the combo of olives and gin. And that rosemary is SUCH a perfect addition! Such a great recipe!
Ellie | fit for the soul -
What a sweet friendship you both have! Nothing like a friend who understands you and your motherhood even when they're not in the same position yet. <3 And this looks absolutely stupendous! The ridiculously sheeny sheen sheen on the olives has me nearly drooling since I could eat a whole cup of them if I allow myself.
Sarah Menanix -
She's a very special friend! So compassionate and loving! I'm obsessed with that sheen too!
Sheri -
I love olives and this combination is perfect! And what a sweet friend you are <3
Sarah Menanix -
Sweet friend indeed!
Jennifer -
I just want to reach through my screen and grab these by the handful! Beautiful!
Sarah Menanix -
You and me both.
Carrie @ Bakeaholic Mama -
Oh my gosh you made these olives look so darn pretty!
Sarah Menanix -
Amanda is so super talented, right??
gerry -
These look fantastic and I love the colors, Amanda is a keeper for sure :)
Sarah Menanix -
I 100% agree! - she's amazing.
Tessa | Salted Plains -
Such a gorgeous simple stunner. Amanda really is the best!!! <3
I'm fairly certain that when I make these olives I won't be sharing with anyone. ;) Hoping you and Zoella Mae are getting in all the snuggles possible!
Sarah Menanix -
Me neither - Keeping all of the olives FOR MYSELF! ;) Thank you!!
Brenda @ a farmgirl's dabbles -
Amanda is a gem, in more ways than one. I'm happy and blessed to call her friend. Congrats on your new baby girl. I'll be making these gorgeous olives (to help you celebrate!).
Sarah Menanix -
Thank you!! <3
Stephanie @ Girl Versus Dough -
I just made doughnuts IRL with Amanda yesterday and she is not only a sweet soul, but a master of creativity. My jaw dropped to the floor with how quickly she came up with these beautiful combinations of flavors and then made them happen. I, too, could only stand by and watch it all unfold. Wishing I had a handful of these flavorful olives while doing so, though. ;)
Sarah Menanix -
All of these things x100. She's amazing.
Abby @ Heart of a Baker -
I can attest that these are so so good! Amanda is a genius is the snack/appetizer department and I would share these with you both over a glass of wine anyday! Many hugs to you and #cheesebabygirl!
Sarah Menanix -
I'm in! Why do we all have to live so far apart??
Alanna -
"My hope is these little nibbles come in hand for Sarah on an evening when she just needs something to snack on with a slice of triple crème brie." MYYYYYY hope is that this happens in my presence. These are stunning and the flavors sound TO DIE FOR.
Sarah Menanix -
This is likely...