Contact: [email protected]

Hello! Welcome to Snixy Kitchen. I’m Sarah (aka Snix). Snixy Kitchen is a Bay Area food blog, where I share gluten-free recipes and the stories that go along with them. I cook from scratch, make up rules, use seasonal ingredients as much as possible, and reinvent classics to create special occasion sweets and everyday staples.
I'm also a freelance Bay Area food photographer and stylist - you can see my portfolio here.
About me

As this space has grown over the years, so has my family. My husband Lucas and I are parents of two spunky children - Zoella (8) and Ira (6). Zoella has taken an interest in developing her own cake and cookie recipes, which she's shockingly good at! I'll share one of her recipes soon!
We’ve also got two cats named after our favorite California crop and its dipping sauce: Artichoke & Aioli. Their favorite foods are bok choy and kale. They don't cook.
My sweet tooth is wicked strong. My kitchen is usually stocked with: fresh parmesan, nuts, lemons, butter, and approximately 50 different gluten-free flours. What you won’t find traces of in my cooking: cilantro and blue cheese. As of May 8th 2013, I cut gluten out of my diet in a last-ditch effort to combat chronic migraines - AND IT WORKED. I'm working my way through the archives to update old recipes that may contain gluten.
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The roots of Snixy Kitchen
In my mid-20s, I shared a miniature in-law apartment with my then-boyfriend now-husband down the street from an organic produce market, fishmonger, butcher, and cheese mart in the Bay Area. I began this blog as a recipe journal in 2012 to chronicle my culinary creations in our pint-sized kitchen, as I cooked my way through the multitudes of seasonal vegetables. We’ve since tied the knot and upgraded from our 26-square foot kitchen, but I’m still using every inch of counter space to create recipes with fresh local ingredients. The recipes that I develop reflect my life story - from becoming gluten-free to becoming a parent.
In the following years, I spent over 4 years as a food stylist for the New York Times, cooking over 500 of their recipes, and have spent over 12 years honing my gluten-free baking skills so I never feel like I'm missing out on any food. And now you don't either.
I have a PhD in Education and sharing knowledge is my passion. My hope is that you’ll take on culinary challenges, experiment, burn a few batches of cookies, and keep learning new things right along with me.
Here I am at age 3, baking cake with my mom. my mom was a magician and I wanted to be just like her.