We've been eating a lot of quick meals since Zoella was born. And we're doing a killer job of cleaning out our pantry, fridge, and freezer, all while trying to avoid going to the store with a baby who hates the car. This chopped kale salad with shredded apples, carrots, and allofthenuts/seeds/grains satisfies both those demands.
I composed lines of this post in my head as I went to bed last night, which was clearly productive (sarcasm) as I remember none of them and is most definitely a bad way to lull yourself to sleep because I woke from a stress nightmare at 4am in which I was under deadline to read two novels and write three 15-page papers by today, all while attending a full day of classes.
...Metaphor for new mamahood?
But the perks of parenting are much much better. Since I last posted (a month ago - eep!), Zoella has become a regular smile charmer. I've never been an early riser (or really one who likes getting out of bed ever - I can sleep until 1pm easy), but waking up to a bright-eyed, ear-to-ear gummy smiler chattering away is the best. The very best. Even if she's just delighted by her morning poops - each toot inciting a little more giggle than the last. I get it, girl.
Since my KitchenAid stand mixer is too heavy to drag around on a walk with us, we've found a baby-approved portable soothing sound iPhone app. My phone is no longer my phone. It is a hairdryer and it belongs to the baby. The choice is: listen to a hairdryer or a screaming baby. At least now I never misplace my phone. Never mind the curious looks from passersby when I'm trying to keep the babe from losing her cool on the walk home from the market. Simply smile and wave, "just out on a walk with my hairdryer!"
Todd suggested I carry an actual hairdryer around with the cord tucked into my pocket. You know, so people aren't confused.
This chopped kale salad is courtesy of the remnants of my fridge and pantry. Really just an excuse to work through the bags of nuts, seeds, and grains occupying an entire shelf in our (albeit tiny) pantry. I've kept a bag of chopped kale in our fridge for salad emergencies ever since Alanna and I styled a lemon garlic kale salad for the New York Times. My festive rainbow version draws inspiration from the simplicity of that salad and the tart shredded apples in the kale salad from Poulet here in Berkeley.
Massaged with olive oil and lemon juice, kale softens into submission. Shredded apples and carrots add a punch of sweet and a pop of color, and the toasty roasty nuts, grains, and seeds give it sticking power, turning the whole affair into more of a hearty meal than a salad. Serve it as a side or toss in some seared tofu cubes as a main course.
- ⅓ cup pepitas
- ⅓ cup sliced almond
- ¼ cup sunflower seeds
- ¼ cup buckwheat groats
- ½ lb washed and dried stemmed kale leaves, chopped (from a 10-12oz bunch)
- 1.5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 2 gala apples, cored and shredded*
- 2 large carrots, shredded
- ¾ cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice from 1 large lemon
- Salt & pepper, to taste
- Preheat the oven to 325°F. Combine the pepitas, sliced almonds, sunflower seeds, and buckwheat groats on a small baking sheet and toast in the oven until lightly browned and toasty, 15-18 minutes. Let cool.
- In a large bowl, massage the olive oil into the chopped kale leaves and let rest while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.
- Toss in the shredded apples & carrots, grated parmesan cheese, and two tablespoons of lemon juice. When the seeds and nuts have cooled, toss them into the salad and season to taste with salt & pepper.
This is a spring pantry purge, so don't feel stymied by my almond/buckwheat/sunflower seed/pepita combo - just toast up whatever you've got on hand!
gerry -
Such a darn fresh and tasty looking salad!!
Carla -
You know those plug in headphones that you can buy for your cell phone that look like an old school phone handset? You just need that in a blowdryer. Easy peasy!
"Don't mind me, just blowin' my hairs and eatin' my salad with my baby! It's Berkeley!"
Sarah Menanix -
You are a genius. I'll find that and bring it to boba.
Matt -
Love this creation of yours, and don't you love how things like this salad come together? Looks so good!
Sarah Menanix -
Thanks Matt! I do -Especially when they're easy! And keep as leftovers.
Brian @ A Thought For Food -
It took me a moment to figure out if the iPhone app/hairdryer trick were too soothe you or the little one. (Both, I guess?) ;-)
This salad looks so wonderful and light and refreshing (and, yet, hearty enough to act as a meal). I'm still struggling with figuring out what to eat (it's definitely spring here in New England... so not quite the weather where all I want to eat are salads)... but once it gets warmer out, this is going to be made all the time.
Sarah Menanix -
Haha - I'd rather something like a bubbling brook than a hair dryer! So funny how "spring" has such different meanings depending on where you live - for CA, it means, sunny and warm with the perfect breeze. And butterflies.
Ellie | fit for the soul -
Hahaha it's hilarious you guys are using the hairdryer trick, so fun! Greg used the heartbeat app for about 2 months for Selah and would rock her for an hour straight at times. :) It's also funny how once we become moms and we're in public--when we'd normally be a bit more shy or self conscious--nothing fazes us as long as we come out alive and conquering any battles we may have faced with baby. ;) And I love a good kale salad~! I've only encountered about 2 restaurant versions that I enjoyed, and one of them looked mighty similar to this one <3.
Sarah Menanix -
Amen to that! I'd rather have people stare at me bc I'm carrying around a blow dryer sound than bc my baby is screaming! I've been thinking of you and how I can't figure out how you juggle such beautiful recipes and a toddler - you are my hero. My hope is that as she's more able to be alone (like even just not in my arms but in a bouncer next to me), I'll be able to do more cooking! But for now, I can only cook when Lucas or my mom is here!
Ellie -
Oh shucks gahh...so unexpectedly sweet of you I'm blushing. :)) I honestly have a hard time receiving such compliment since I have a loooong ways to go. But I'll tell u one thing. The first few months were extremely difficult and I could barely churn out any recipes, let alone photograph anything other than Selah and her poop, hah! What helped me was to sleep train Selah and she was sleeping 11hrs straight at night by month 4. If she cried, I'd go in after 3 min, then 5, then 7, then 10, just to comfort her and caress her head for about three four days and she was good to go right there and then! I don't recommend picking infants up too much at night if they're fussing (unless they're sick) because they're smart and know mommy and daddy always come to the rescue, and they KNOW how to take advantage! Lol. That saved me at least a little bit and helped her become more 'independent' relatively speaking. In the afternoons, I pretty much didn't nap all that often because I'm not a napper by nature so when Selah slept/sleeps even now, I try to make one session in the week to do what I can. If a recipe is really crazy then I'll plan to break it up into two different days. Like, prep the big stuff at night and do the fun part the next day. There were a few times though, when my own desires took over and i was in the kitchen cooking something simple while Selah was bouncing for 15 min increments while watching baby Einstein. Hehe. We all have something 'taboo' that we do, right?! ;)
Karen @ The Food Charlatan -
What kind of mother are you? She clearly prefers the Kitchenaid. If you really loved her, you would lug it around on your walks. AND the hair dryer, just in case.
Sarah Menanix -
I'm starting to seriously worry about the life of my kitchenaid motor!
Kelsey @ Appeasing a Food Geek -
Ummmm yes to this salad! Also is it weird that I love the way you describe how it's put together? There's something soothing about picturing leaves of kale massaged with olive oil and lemon juice. Happy #SpringPantryPurge! xoxo
Sarah Menanix -
Happy pantry purge to you too! It almost feels sexy thinking about kale's oil massage, right??
Sheri -
This looks so good & healthy Can't wait to try it!
Erin @ The Speckled Palate -
I have TOTALLY been there with the white noise on the cell phone and your phone no longer being your own. Our daughter preferred rain noises to sleep to, which was lovely and not quite as strange as a hair dryer, but I get it. And my daughter is still delighted whenever my phone is out... and tries to take it away from me. Because it is hers. And she knows how to press her finger on the button to get Siri to speak. Aaaaaand she's 13 months old. Whew, kids.
This salad looks and sounds delightful, too! Something quick and easy and ultra healthy to clean out the pantry. We'll be making this soon!
Sarah Menanix -
Hahaha - we always said we'd never be the parents that have our kids the phone...but then we became parents to a screaming monster and all bets were off. Maybe she'll eventually transition to rain - I'd like that better!
Ann -
I'm not a fan of raw kale but this recipe looks great. I am however, a huge fan of "a little bit of this and a little bit of that" style of cooking. Nice pictures!
Sarah Menanix -
Thanks! I only like raw kale when it's been softened with an oil massage too!
Phoebe @ Feed Me Phoebe -
So gorgeous Sarah!! Thank you for sharing your pantry with us. I too am a big believer in massaged kale + any nut/seed that's lying around. A great pantry purging base. High fives to you getting this dish on the table all the while carrying around your "hair dryer" and babe. xoxo
Sarah Menanix -
Thank you for the cooking inspiration! Thank goodness for husbands or we'd never eat on Snixy kitchen again!
Roxana -
I think you should carry the hair dryer around with you. Imagine the looks on peoples faces! Your salad looks great too! I am inspired to clean out my pantry now.
Sarah Menanix -
Hahaha - anything to draw more attention to myself ;)