You might have noticed I've been popping by here somewhat sporadically the past couple of months. I've been busy working on some behind-the-scenes baking that's sucking all the energy out of me. Quite literally, actually. Before I tell you about this puffy golden chestnut dutch baby pancake, I'm excited to finally be able to share a sneak peek of what I've been baking up.
Here's the recipe:
- Preheat oven to 98.6°F.
- Place bun in the oven.
- Bake for 9 months.
- Remove on February 9th, 2016.
That's right, folks - we've got a baby in the oven! And it turns out growing a tiny human is about all the energy I've been able to muster up lately (sorrynotsorry for being so MIA!). We're nearly 15 weeks along now though, which I've been promised means a burst of energy is heading my way soon (...pretty please?).
Karen warned me that when she was pregnant, she didn't want to look at food or food blogs for the first three months. As usual, I brushed Karen's warning aside (just as I did her "wear gloves while picking blackberries" caution) and, as usual, she was right. Morning sickness is a curious misnomer that should really be called Allthetime Sickness.
In my case it meant I've wanted to eat nothing but cheese and popsicles for the past 3 months. And apparently, if you do that, you can still grow a baby. At our last ultrasound appointment, I pointed to the screen and matter-of-factly announced to the doctor, "that's made of cheese." Lucas was in stitches. #cheesebaby
Aside from 3am nacho-fests, I've eaten my way through about 10lbs of ice and finished off a gallon of milk in only 4 days last week. When I wake up hungry in the middle of the night, I hear Karen's voice saying, "Milk is the best - instant calories, and you don't even have to chew!" Amen.
Pregnancy is weird. Weirdly awesome.
At 15 weeks, this little bean sprout is about the size of a large nectarine. My goal from here on out is to post a recipe using an ingredient the size of le bébé (haven't worked out where I'll find a pumpkin in February though...).
To start things off - the other baby I've got in the oven today is this gluten-free chestnut dutch baby pancake with caramelized nectarines.
A thin pancake-like batter is poured into a sizzling-hot cast-iron skillet and baked until the edges rise up the side of the pan and the center puffs up with golden-brown pillows. The outside is light and crispy with an eggy almost custard-like center. This version with chestnut flour is a little nutty and a tad sweet even without any sugar mixed in.
Then of course, I doused the whole thing in powdered sugar, unloaded a hefty spoonful of caramelized nectarines, and dropped a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top because my sweet tooth can't leave well enough alone. Dessert masquerading as breakfast.
Thanks for reading Snixy Kitchen! To stay up on what’s coming out of my kitchen, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Bloglovin‘, Pinterest, or subscribe via e-mail to get new recipes right to your inbox.
- 3 large eggs, room temperature
- ¼ cup chestnut flour
- ¼ cup millet flour
- 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons sweet rice flour, also called mochiko, different from "white rice flour" or "brown rice flour"
- ¾ cup milk, room temperature (I used 1% because it's what I had)
- ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
- ¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract, I use Rodelle Organics Vanilla
- 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
- Powdered Sugar, for serving
- 3 nectarines, sliced
- ¼ cup granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
- Preheat the oven to 450°F with a 10-inch cast-iron skillet on the middle rack.
- In a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment or with a hand mixer, whisk the eggs on high speed until frothy, about 1-2 minutes.
- Add the chestnut flour, millet flour, sweet rice four, milk, salt, and vanilla. Continue mixing on medium-high speed until smooth, about 1 minute. Scrape down the sides with a spatula as needed. (If you don't have a mixer, you can also use a blender.)
- Carefully remove the skillet from the oven and add the butter, swirling the pan to melt and coat the whole pan.
- Carefully pour the batter into the center of the skillet and gently return the skillet to the oven.
- Bake until the edges and center puff up and turn golden brown, about 20 minutes.
- Meanwhile, prepare the nectarines. Add the nectarines, sugar, and butter to a medium skillet over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar begins to turn golden brown and the nectarines soften. Remove from heat and set aside.
- Serve the dutch baby warm straight from the oven* topped with powdered sugar, caramelized nectarines, and a scoop of vanilla ice cream (optional).
Rachael @ Set the Table -
HOW DID I MISS THIS?!? Oh, right... I've been busy with my own two kiddos ? Congratulations!!! Hopefully you've gotten some of your energy back now. That tired feeling early on is just so hard to overcome. Sending lots of good vibes your way!
Heidi @foodiecrush -
Hey! You stole my daughter's hashtag #cheesebaby. Or, if Twitter had been around 11 years ago, that's indeed what it would have been. Congratulations and keep that baby baking!
Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom -
Hey Sarah!
Congrats!!! I'm SO happy for you!!!! #cheesebaby. . I love it!!!! Are you feeling better or is the morning sickness still with you? I had horrible morning sickness with my 2nd and nothing helped. . but I think towards the end of my first trimester lollipops helped. I've never consumed that many lollipops before! and this chestnut dutch baby is beyond gorgeous!!!
Nancy (@spiffykerms) -
HOW DID I MISS THIS?????!!!! OMG I was wondering why your friend was tagging you in a preg BuzzFeed video! Then I was huntin' and found it... I was like nooo, and then YESSS and then I got all happy and how fun the way you announced it. AGH!! So fun! Congratulations!!! Can you tell I'm excited haha!
Katie | lovely letters -
Congratulations!! SUCH exciting news. And this Dutch baby looks completely amazing in both the photos (stunning) and concept (I'd like to eat one please).
xx Katie
lovely letters
Melanie @ Nutritious Eats -
I love that I was accidentally one of the first to know. #becauseIamnosey But I am so glad the announcement has been made. I am super excited for you and know exactly what you are going through. I could barely hold on to the blog until mid second trimester, but guess what? Your fans and readers will still be here!! Hugs to you friend!
Lisa @ Healthy Nibbles & Bits -
I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to make this blog official-----CONGRATS to you and Lucas!!!! Your announcement was also too cute. Anyway, stay rested! And seriously, don't look at food/worry about the blog if you need a break! <3
Ashley | Spoonful of Flavor -
Congratulations!! So exciting and I love your announcement. If I was limited to eating just a few foods cheese would definitely be one that I would enjoy.
Julie -
Congrats!! "Morning" sickness when your job revolves around food is the WORST. It really does get better!
Sarah Menanix -
Haha totally! Thank you!!
Kelly - A Side of Sweet -
Huzzah! Such exciting news! You and Lucas are going to be the best parents! I slefishlt hope the morning sickness is better soon so you have the energy to make more great recipes like this one!
Sarah Menanix -
Thank you so much Kelly! <3 (Also: slefishlt - that's my new favorite word;)
Kelly - A Side of Sweet -
I know - I noticed that after I submitted and figured you could interpret exactly what I meant! :)
Natasha @ The Cake Merchant -
Congrats, Sarah! What wonderful news (and such a cute way to announce it)!
Sarah Menanix -
Aw thank you so much Natasha!
Stephanie @ Girl Versus Dough -
A slightly belated CONGRATS, Sarah! I totally can empathize with how you've been feeling -- truly a drag for a food blogger. ;) But I'm so excited for you and this upcoming new adventure that is just so much fun. xo
Sarah Menanix -
Thank you Stephanie! I'm so glad others can empathize - it's been hard when all I want to do is stay away from food, but that's my primary job! Haha.
ellie | fit for the soul -
I'm seriously so so so happy for you, Sarah! You deserve to experience the amazingness motherhood is, and the....well...challenge that pregnancy is, hah! I was just wondering recently if you'd be experiencing this soon and here you are ^_^ If you have aannnnnnyyyy questions or need to pregnancy/motherhood vent, I'm here. And these look so beautiful and yummy! Not something easy to do when you have allthetimesickness and such.
Sarah Menanix -
Yay!! I've been wanting to spill the beans to you for awhile now! (Especially so you'd know why I'd been MIA from the interwebs;). I'm sure I'll need all kinds of advice and I'll be sure to hit you up, experienced mama!
Nicole - Coking for Keeps -
Yay to babies!!!!!!! Hoping your energy comes back soon!!! (And it will! :) ) Congrats my dear!!!!!!!!
Sarah Menanix -
Thanks you Nicole! <3
todd, audrey & fiona -
Woohoo!! That's one lucky little nectarine you got growing in there! So so SO excited for you and Lucas. Can't wait for our little ones to get together, harass Grizzly, and chase Arti and Aioli :) xo
Sarah Menanix -
We're so excited for playdates tooo!! One day Fiona will catch a cat. One day. ;) Thanks for all your tips and tricks (and for letting me rehearse my baby skills on yours!)
Kelly - Life Made Sweeter -
Aaaw yay!!! Congratulations!! So so happy and excited for you guys! Hope you feel better soon!
Sarah Menanix -
Yahoo - thank you so much Kelly!
betty -
YAY. LOVE <3. Plus, these photos are gorgeous. Congratulations a million times over :) .
Sarah Menanix -
Thank you so much Betty!! So glad I got to share a sneak peek of the news with you while you were visiting;)
Hannah | The Swirling Spoon -
Oh. my. goodness. This is such wonderful news!!!! Congratulations :) :) :)
Sarah Menanix -
Thanks Hannah!! <3
Peabody (Culinary Concoctions by Peabody) -
Congrats! Here's to a healthy and happy remaining pregnancy.
Sarah Menanix -
Thank you so much Peabody!
Jessica @ Sweetest Menu -
Congratulations Sarah! Hopefully the days of morning sickness are almost over! Meanwhile this dutch baby looks incredible!
Sarah Menanix -
Thanks Jessica! Fingers crossed the morning sickness is on its way out:)
Liz @ Floating Kitchen -
Yahoo! Congrats girlfriend. So exciting. Yay yay yay! And love the idea of making a recipe with a food the size of the baby. That's awesomely hilarious. And this dutch baby = the perfect way to make the announcement!
Sarah Menanix -
Thanks Liz! We knew when I met you up in Portland but things were tip top secret :x
renee (will frolic for food) -
THIS. IS. AWESOME. I've been looking for a gf dutch baby recipe for FOREVER and this sounds perfect in every way. totally glorious! i'm making this for breakfast on saturday. You're a dream!!!
AND DUH CONGRATS! Lil mozzarella stick is going to be a total joy. Love the idea of keeping us up to date with baby by posting recipes with foods the size of him / her! <3
Sarah Menanix -
Yay!! Thank you so much Renee!! I hope you make (and love) this gluten-free dutch baby as much as we did (we may have eaten two full dutch babies between the two of us in one afternoon...).
Tessa - Style Sweet Ca -
yay!!! I am so excited for you. What a perfect post/announcement too! Cheers to a happy, healthy 9 months xoxo
Sarah Menanix -
Aw - thanks Tessa! Cheers to that!
Carla (@charliesue) -
YOU ARE HAVING A BABY! And also a human! Doing everything in my power to make your new little out of boba and pupusas. xo
Sarah Menanix -
Anna @ Crunchy Creamy Sweet -
Ahhh! So happy for you, Sarah! Congratulations!!
Sarah Menanix -
Thank you so much Anna!! <3
alyse -
CONGRATULATIONS, SARA NIX!!!!! that is awesome news!!!
Sarah Menanix -
<3 <3 <3 Thanks Alyse!!
Tessa| Salted Plains -
Congrats!!!! How exciting, Sarah!! 3am nacho fests are kind of a bonus, right? :) I hope you get to feeling better soon!
This Dutch baby looks superb. So, so good. <3
Sarah Menanix -
You're right - I love the excuse to eat nachos in the middle of the night without feeling one ounce of guilt! Hehe. Thank you so much Tessa!
Kira -
Anything you or Lucas make is amazing so I'm confident he/she will be simply scrumptious! I can't wait to see your baking belly in 4 weeks!!!!
Sarah Menanix -
Oh my goodness - I can't wait to see YOU!! You're going to be the most beautiful ever. Can't believe it's so close already!
Tina -
Cutest pregnancy announcement EVER! <3 <3 <3
Sarah Menanix -
You're the cutest ever! <3 Thanks for the baby gear ALREADY:)
Sheri -
I love the 9 month recipe you and Lucas are baking and can't wait to hold it in my arms! I'm so looking forward to being a grandma! Your Dutch Baby recipe looks delicious too!
Julia -
Awwww your bun is made of cheeeeeeese! And ice cream, oh how I love it! HUGE congratulations, my friend! What an amazing journey you're embarking on. I'm so thrilled for you and hope you'll continue updating us on your bun baking? Also can't wait to see photos of your sweet darling.
And this Dutch gorgeous! I need to try me some chestnut flour asap!
Sarah Menanix -
Thank you thank you thank you Julia! Since I've hardly left the house in the past 3 months, it's been hard to think of stories about anything besides bun baking, so I'm certain you'll be hearing all about it;)
Meg | Bread+Barrow -
Congratulations Sarah! I love your idea of doing a recipe every month with the fruit size of your little bun - such a cute idea! Just start freezing some pumpkin in October haha! Have so much fun - hope you're feeling well!
Sarah Menanix -
I just saw pumpkin puree on the shelves at the market ALREADY - how is it that season already?! Maybe I SHOULD stock up haha. Thank you so much Meg:*
Abby @ The Frosted Vegan -
Ahhh CONGRATS! So happy for you and what an appropriate dish to make in celebration! :)
Tieghan -
Ahh! Sarah!! Congratulations!! I am beyond excited for you!!
Sarah Menanix -
Yay! Thank you so much Tieghan!! <3
Sarah | Broma Bakery -
CONGRATULATIONS, SARAH! How amazing! And hello, tiny human! So happy for you :)
Sarah Menanix -
#cheesebabygirl is waving hello back! <3
Kristen @ A Mind Full Mom -
Oh girl, congratulations! I remember waking up in middle of night starving--it was worse when I was nursing. I could eat 6 plates of nachos and 2 gallons of milk :) Enjoy your pregnancy and this life inside you!
Sarah Menanix -
Haha - it's such a crazy kind of hunger at 3am. Ravenous! Then I just graze all day long.
Traci | Vanilla And Bean -
Oh my! You HAVE been baking! Hooray for you and Lucas! LOL - made of cheese!! Hope your feeling better soon, my dear.
Love this dutch baby, Sarah and those nectarines sound divine. I'll take the optional vanilla bean scoop. I've not tried chestnut flower, but need to get my hands on some - I bet it is fabulous! Thank you for this, amongst all that you've got going on!
Sarah Menanix -
Thank you Traci! I've been so out of touch with responding to comments and reading blogs because it's been too hard to spend lots of time on the computer looking at food when all I want to do is eat cheese. I've missed you!!
Chestnut flour is amazing - it's nutty and sweet and adds so much flavor to baked goods (and pasta!)
Rachel Cooks -
SO exciting! Congrats!!!! Hope you're feeling better soon!
Liz -
Oh, I'm SO thrilled for you!!! Congratulations!!! xo
Veronica -
I love this recipe and the little baby bun you are baking! Congratulation Sarah and Lucas I can't wait to be a Grandmother!
Sarah Menanix -
Hehe - we can hardly tell! ;P <3 Our baby girl is lucky to have such great grandparents on both sides!
Amy @ Thoroughly Nourished Life -
Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I think your latest creation must be the best thing you've baked yet :) What a lucky little one to have a creative mama like you!
I can't wait to 'bake along with baby' and this breakfast treat is high on my list to try soon. Congratulations to the whole Snixy Kitchen family :)
Sarah Menanix -
You're so sweet! Thank you so much Amy!
Karen @ The Food Charlatan -
YAY!!!! I'm so excited for your little bun!! I shall call it Nectarine. Or maybe just Milk. Or probably actually Cheese, since that's what he's made of. (That's right, I'm takin' a stab at a gender here.) You guys are going to be the best parents EVER :) Soooo happy for you!!!
Sarah Menanix -
You were WRONG. That's okay, #cheesebabygirl will forgive you. Thanks so much Karen - and thanks for being my parenting guide through this! <3
Cindy -
OMG. Amazing, wonderful, aaaamazing news! And yes, hopefully (fingers crossed), you'll get that second trimester energy and feel like a real human again. That little bebe is gonna be cute, I just can't even handle it. All the congrats!
Sarah Menanix -
Thanks lady!! I actually knew when I met you, but it was top secret! :)