Our #cheesebabygirl made her way into the world 10 days ago, just a day past her due date. To her credit, she started to make her appearance at 4:30am on her due date, but then took her sweet sweet time (33 hours to be exact). Zoella Mae filled our hearts and made us a family of three. Living up to her #cheesebaby nickname, she weighed 8lbs 11oz and measured 21.25 inches long. It seems the key to baking a chunky baby is to spend your entire pregnancy eating cheese. It's only fitting then that I saved these brie-filled hazelnut chestnut crepes to announce her arrival.
To say we're in love is an understatement. Obsessed. This first week and half of her life has given us a lesson in parenting under fire. After less than 24 hours home, we ended up at Oakland Children's Hospital for 6 nights where she was treated for a severe eye infection while doctors ran dozens of tests to make sure the conjunctivitis wasn't caused by a virus or bacterial infection that could dangerously spread throughout her body.
We're still getting to know this fiery lady, but this past week she showed us her strength in abundance. She endured a spinal tap, four blood draws, three IV lines (with a "club" arm), and prodding every 2-4 hours for 7 days, but continued nursing, pooping, napping, and fighting the nurses like a warrior woman. She has the raspiest sweetest cry with a powerful vibrato and she coos in her sleep (the cuter, more endearing counterpart to her daddy's snore). She's got the most kissable puckery pink lips and more hair than her grandpa (sorry, Dad). She's extra snuggly, prefers to sleep on her side without a swaddle, and can grip her tiny hand around your finger oh-so-tightly. Nothing about her feels fragile or frail.
While Zoella took it all in stride, Lucas and I rode a roller coaster of emotions and drew our strength from her. After 48 hours, doctors presented two competing expert options: the infectious disease team worried the viral tests were false negative and recommended completing the full 14-day hospital IV treatment just to be safe because the consequences of no treatment could be devastating, while the ophthalmologist was convinced it was just run-of-the-mill conjunctivitis and continuing eye drops at home would be sufficient. And ultimately they gave us the choice of which course of action we wanted to follow.
The choice was obvious. No amount of discomfort could ever cause us to sacrifice her care. So we cozied up in a hospital room with our little nugget and spent the next 5 days focusing all of our attention on our bond with her. Our first parenting lesson in letting go of expectations. My mom ("Nonny") brought us clean clothes and provided extra baby snuggles that gave us much-needed nap breaks during the day. After a week on IVs, the doctors received enough negative test results to feel confident she didn't have a viral infection and discharged her with a clean bill of health.
Home at last.
There are three definite up sides to spending your first week as new parents in the hospital under 24 hour care:
- We always had a professional on hand to answer all of our "is this normal?" questions about our newborn,
- Zoella learned to sleep through any amount of distraction or noise, including a blaring fire alarm for 5+ minutes, and
- The hospital rooms had no wi-fi, which forced us to disconnect and focus on snuggling, reading to, and getting to know all the quirks of this new human.
During our wedding ceremony, our friend read the children's book, An Awesome Book of Love. We read the book to Zoella over and over again in the hospital and each time, I teared up as I read this line that exactly describes the love Zoella has evoked in me:
"It’s about living life with such strength and emotion
And knowing that waves are just part of the ocean
And that ocean that ocean goes on for forever
Just like the love that has brought us together."
Until she joined our family, I had no idea love this strong existed. For her and for her daddy, who impresses me everyday with his devotion to his new daughter (and all of the baby poop).
Zoella Mae spent this first week of her life naked, so she's modeling three outfits a day to make sure she can get through her wardrobe before she grows out of it. Today we wore cats and teal.
I guess we should talk about these crepes, huh? On the same day we made cheddar jalapeño cornbread waffles, Alanna showed me her technique for making an ultra-thin crepe. She watched as I went, and at one point urged, "shuffle shuffle shuffle!" to which I reacted by...shuffling my feet like a tap dancer. It took about three more crepes to realize she meant "shuffle the pan." Do that, guys. Shuffle the pan to spread the batter out - because tap dancing really won't up your crepe game.
For these toasty brown crepes, hazelnut milk and chestnut flour work together to create a nutty thin pancake that envelopes and enhances the fruity, creamy brie. The smokiness from the torched burnt honey and chestnut flour offset the slight sweetness, creating a savory crepe with a balance of flavors that would work for any meal.
Hazelnut Chestnut Crepes with Brie & Burnt Honey {gluten-free}
- ¾ cup chestnut flour
- ¼ cup sweet rice flour, different from "white rice flour" or "brown rice flour"
- 1½ cups hazelnut milk, or any other dairy or non-dairy milk
- 3 large eggs
- 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled
- ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
- ¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
- Butter or ghee for the pan
- 8 ounces soft brie cheese, thinly sliced
- A few tablespoons of honey for drizzling
- Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and pulse until completely smooth.
- Heat a crepe pan or large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Use a scrunched up paper towel to wipe a small amount of butter or ghee on the bottom of the pan (you don't want it to pool, but just enough to prevent the crepe from sticking.
- When the pan is heated, hold it in your left hand and pour ¼ cup of crepe batter onto the bottom left side of the pan. Working quickly, tilt your wrist to rotate the pan so the batter spreads clockwise around the pan, and gently shake the pan to spread the batter into a thin even layer on the bottom of the pan.
- Set the pan back on the stove and let it cook until the edges slightly curl up and turn golden, while the top is no longer glossy, about 1-2 minutes.
- Use a rubber spatula to lift all of the edges of the crepe to make sure it hasn't stuck to your pan.
- Gently grasp and edge of a crepe with your finger tips and quickly flip the crepe (you can also use a large rubber spatula to help you flip the crepe if it's too hot!).
- Once flipped, place a few slices of brie along one edge of the crepe and let it cook for about 1 minute longer.
- Roll up the crepe around the brie and transfer to a plate while you repeat with the remaining crepes, starting by wiping a little bit more ghee or butter in the pan between each crepe.
- To serve, drizzle crepes with honey and use a rubber spatula to gently spread the honey over the top. Use a kitchen torch over the honey to carefully caramelize the honey until you see a few burnt spots.
- Serve immediately.
Sally -
I made and loved this recipe!
Samantha Wilson -
Hi, I'd like to try the Chestnut pancakes however I am grain free due to auto immune issues. The recipe includes rice flour and was hoping you could provide me with a substitute for this? Kind regards
Sherrie -
OMGSH that little peanut! I hope you and little miss Zoella are getting plenty of rest and relaxation. All my love Sarah, xx!
Carrie@ Bakeaholic Mama -
First, these crepes look amazing.
Second, so precious! And those cat leggings.... I wish they made them in adult sizes ;)
Amy @ Thoroughly Nourished Life -
She is absolutely adorable Sarah. I'm glad everything is cleared up and you can finally nest together at home :)
I'll do a little soft shoe in my kitchen while making these crepes, just for you and #cheesebabygirl.
Tanya Schroeder -
Zoella is so beautiful!! I'm so happy for you, there are so many wonderful moments ahead of you, parenting is the best job you'll ever have. Congratulations!
Christine // my natural kitchen -
What a total beauty! I can't even handle those flower crown photos (or, the cat pants) - so so so so so adorable. What a roller coaster you've had! It's a relief to know that she's okay, and you guys are at home now settling in. Those crepes look amazing too - thank you for the tip to shuffle!!
Amanda Paa -
i can't even handle the cuteness of these photos, or the happiness and joy i feel for you. baby zoella is adorable, and i'm certainly not surprised with the two beautiful parents she has, both inside and out.
now, these crepes, i will do the shuffle. and i will make a delicious brunch, i can just feel it! yum.
heather @french press -
well you certainly jumped right into the excitement that is parenting , and what a precious bundle she is!
and today even with a major migraine, I am craving crepes filed with brie
Stephanie @ Girl Versus Dough -
Congratulations, Sarah! She is so incredibly beautiful (those lips!). I am so glad to hear that she is well and in good spirits despite the chaotic first few days of her little life. And these crepes -- a perfect recipe for a perfect homecoming. xo
mira -
Congrats Sarah! Glad she is doing ok now! You have an adorable baby girl!
Lauren @ Climbing Grier Mountain -
So glad she is home and healthy! She is beautiful! And these crepes, drooling over!
Lily | Kale & Caramel -
I have tears STREAMING down my face, Sarah! Ohmygoodness. So much love. That passage from the book you read at your wedding is just perfect, and must have enveloped her in so much strengthening love. I'm so glad you all are safe at home, and wish you bountiful amounts of sleep and crepes. Because holy wow, do these look amazing.
Megan {Country Cleaver} -
I am so beyond relieved and excited that she is here, and now - HEALTHY!! Continuing to send my love your way!!
DessertFortwo -
Oh thank God! We were all so worried when someone posted it in a share group on facebook. We are all so relieved to hear things are going great now!
I'm cracking up at her wearing 3 outfits a day to get through her newborn wardrobe :) It seems she's already 100% little girl <3
Much love to your new family of 3!
Sheri -
Being there for the birth of our grandchild was the most amazing experience and one I will cherish forever...Watching you and Lucas learning to parent under such extreme circumstances filled me with so much love and respect for all of you <3 <3 <3 And having had the opportunity to sample these crepes I can tell you they were delicious!
Jennifer Farley -
I seriously cannot believe that took 33 hours. Gah. You are a rockstar. I am so happy for you! I need these crepes in my life.
Matt -
Bet you didn't know you could actually love someone like that, right? It's the best feeling in he world and I'm so glad your beautiful little girl is healthy and home with you guys. Enjoy every moment!
Christine -
Congratulations! She's adorable and I love her name! Glad everyone's doing well!
Oh and the crepes look great! :)
gerry @ foodness gracious -
Wow, I'm so happy for all of you and glad everybody is back home! Have fun ;)
Karen @ The Food Charlatan -
She is beyond amazing Sarah!!! I'm going to try the foot shuffle next time I make crepes though. Maybe it will help with the fact that my crepes always look like a massacre.
Tieghan -
AWWEE! I am dying, she is so, so, so cute!! Major, big, HUGE congrats to you guys. Cannot wait to see more photos! I also love her name! So does my mom who I sent this post to because she loves baby too much. lol!
And umm, crepes are mu favorite so you know i love these too! Bonus is that I can make them too! YES!
Veronica -
Sarah I love your post! So grateful you, baby Zoella Mae and Lucas are doing fine! I can not wait to meet her! Miss Zoella is so blessed to have such wonderful Mommy and Daddy! Happiness and Blessings to your beautiful family!
Tessa | Salted Plains -
Oh, this makes my heart happy! Your coordinating cat ensemble also makes my heart happy. Zoella Mae is a beauty!!! Congrats to you and Lucas. xo.
Chris @ Shared Appetite -
The crepes look great, blah blah blah... but let's be honest. We're all here (this time, at least) for these adorable baby photos!!! And your story is so touching. I'm so sorry you had to endure and go through all that worry and heartache! We had a similar scare with Olivia when she was born and admitted to the NICU for a few minor and random reasons. It was so heart-wrenching to watch her go through all the poking and prodding of needles and IVs, but when we look back at it now, we are SO thankful she was where she was. We had some of the best nurses in the entire hospital taking care of our daughter AND teaching us about how to take care of her. I'm SO thrilled for you and Lucas, and your new little family is absolutely perfect. And I absolutely love when you said "Until she joined our family, I had no idea love this strong existed." That sums up parentings perfectly. It's like a part of your heart is opened that you never knew existed! Can't wait for you to regularly post more photos of this little angel! CONGRATS mommy and daddy!
Carla -
Oh, I cried A LOT at this sweet little post. Your little family is just the very, very best and I'm so thrilled you're home and you guys can be snuggly now. xo
P.S. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle!
Beth @ Eat Within Your Means -
My eyes are suddenly wet, not sure why. ;) Sarah, she is just SO BEAUTIFUL. Congratulations to you all! This is such an amazing time, and I am beyond impressed that you already have a post up! And a gorgeous one at that. :)
Tina @ Just Putzing Around the Kitchen -
Zoella is INSANELY BEAUTIFUL (like her mom and dad), and I'm so glad she's ok!!!!! That little chunky munky is a champ! When are you bringing her to visit her favorite Auntie Tina on the east coast?????
genevieve @ gratitude & greens -
Awww congratulations!!! She is beautiful, and Zoella Mae- what a beautiful name!
sarah -
Oh my goodness is she the most beautiful and lucky baby. You can sure tell you and your husband are in love!
Traci | Vanilla And Bean -
Heeeyyyy Sarah and little Zoella Mae! My goodness she's an angel! Of course I love the cats and teal... So happy to see you two recovering and as beautiful as ever! These crepes and the shuffling; a triumph! A delicious way to celebrate this new chapter. xo
Becky Winkler (A Calculated Whisk) -
Congratulations--she's gorgeous!!! So glad she is okay.
These crepes look pretty amazing, too (but of course nothing can beat cats and teal--I love that).